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Yoga Exercise Specialist Certification (YES) (20 hours)
YES 1 Is the pre requisite course for the 200 RYT certification in Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga after that there are 8 mosules in the RYT 200 program followed by YES II module for a total of 200 hours of training.
If you are a fitness instructor:
YES I and II are a two-part course aimed at preparing the participant to teach Yoga in the fitness and health industry. this is a HATHA YOGA based program.
Part I – Yoga Exercise Certificate Course
Prerequisite: if taking this course to work towards YES certification (two-part program – YES I & YES II), a minimum of 25 hours anatomy study such as done in a fitness certification, RMT, school course, etc.
If you do not have 25 hours of anatomy training, we recommend 25 hours of independent study of the book Anatomy of Movement by Blandine Calais-Germaine or another anatomy book of your choice.
*If you are taking to develop your personal practice and interest in yoga, no prerequisite required.
* learn over 50 postures, warm ups and variations
* integrate yoga into your private training and group exercise programs
* develop the ability to design a safe hatha yoga class
* study meditation, relaxation and breathing techniques
* gain a basic understanding of yoga history and philosophy

Membership Terms
Expires After: 1 day(s)
Attendance: 2 classes
Begin Date: 14-Sep-2024
End Date: 15-Sep-2024
Enrollment End Date: 16-Sep-2024
Payment Terms
Price: $372.90
tooltip This membership is set to run on autopay.
All bills will be deducted automatically from the assigned account on the bill due date.

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